Digital x-ray imaging allows the early diagnosis of problems, such as dental cavities which may not be detected with the naked eye. Our clinic has the latest equipment which has up to 90% less radiation dosage compared with other dental clinics which are still using conventional x-rays films.
What do dentists looks for?
During a dental examination, your teeth are checked for problems including dental decay. Tooth decay is the destruction of the hard outer layers of your teeth including enamel and dentine and can be a problem for children, teenagers as well as adults. Tooth decay occurs due to plaque formation on your teeth, especially when you eat or drink foods containing high levels of sugars. Cavities are more common among children especially when plaque accumulates in tiny crevices or pits located on the tooth surface. Decay may also occur in adults especially around the margins of old fillings.

Our Digital X-ray Technology
Our digital x-ray imaging allows the accurate detection of dental problems including decay. Having a high level of film resolution means that problems may be detected earlier, and in some cases, more cost-effective and preventive treatment options are available. Furthermore, our digital X-ray system operates routinely at a safer level compared with conventional radiography, with up to 90% less radiation. Despite this higher safety margin, we only advise X-rays whenever there they are clinically indicated.