Pregnancy & Your Oral Health
Pregnancy will affect nearly every part of a woman’s life and her oral health is one of them. To try and help avoid any oral health problems during your pregnancy make sure that you continue a thorough oral health regime.
What you Need to Know About Pregnancy and Oral Health:
If possible, try and schedule any major restorative or dental work before falling pregnant.
If you require any dental work whilst you are pregnant, it is best to receive any major treatments during your second trimester. This is because during your first trimester your baby is very sensitive to anything that happens to your body and during your third trimester it may be uncomfortable to sit in a dental chair for extended periods of time.
During your pregnancy:
Pregnancy Gingivitis
Pregnant women are more prone to Gingivitis and Gum Disease.
Make sure that you are flossing daily and that you are brushing twice daily to help prevent Pregnancy Gingivitis. If you find that your gums start bleeding or become inflamed, make an appointment with your dentist.
Acid Erosion
If you suffer from morning sickness, the acids from your stomach can cause loss of tooth enamel. To minimise damage avoid brushing immediately after being sick. Rinse with water and wait 30 minutes before brushing.
Avoid Sugary Snacks!
Even if you are craving sugary snacks try to minimise snacking. This increase your risk of tooth decay.
Come In For a Visit!
Come and visit one of our dentists for your 6 monthly preventative check-up and clean so that we can make sure that your teeth and gums remain healthy during your pregnancy.
In some cases poor oral health can affect your baby.
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